Review of Hypnosis Life - Tartan Vitalis

Review of Hypnosis Life

I have recently bought a Hypnosis Live product for the first time, and this report will include a review of my findings.

I should start with a couple of confessions. First of all, I have long been a fan of hypnotherapy, and I am a qualified Neuro Linguistic Programme (NLP) practitioner and a qualified hypnotherapy practitioner.

However, this is my first exposure to Hypnosis Live products.

You should also be aware that I will be rewarded, at no additional cost to you, if you buy any products following a click from this store.

So, if you will indulge me, I'll start with an introduction to Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, then give you my review of Hypnosis Live and its products.

What is hypnosis?

 Hypnosis is a tool for improving your life. It can be used to install positive, empowering beliefs and thought patterns into your mind, changing how you act and feel about yourself.

 In recent years, hypnosis has gained renewed interest and acceptance in the medical and scientific communities as a complementary therapy for various conditions. It is often used in conjunction with other treatments to improve outcomes and reduce symptoms of physical and mental health conditions including chronic pain control and anxiety disorders.

 Using relaxation techniques and visualisation exercises, a person is guided into a deep, focused state in which they are more open to suggestions and better able to access their subconscious mind, allowing them to gain insight into their thoughts and behaviours and make positive changes.

 How can hypnosis help me?

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that hypnosis can be your key to personal transformation. It can give you the confidence boost you need, help you overcome anxieties and phobias, support you as you quit smoking or lose weight and make it easier for you to excel in business. In short, hypnosis works and can be your secret weapon to success.



 Does hypnosis work?

 Definitely! Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is a thoroughly validated method of self-transformation used by millions of people around the world.

 Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are miles away from tricks performed by magicians onstage, and the real power of hypnosis lies in its potential to address mental and behavioural issues.

 It's an effective tool that almost anyone can use. It induces a frame of mind in which you can become relaxed and open to suggestions, either from hypnotherapy with a professional or through self-hypnosis. This state of intense concentration is known as a hypnotic trance and enables people to be more receptive than they would be in their daily life.

 How Effective Is It?

Dr Clifford Lazarus, Ph. D., stated that hypnosis is a real phenomenon with practical medical applications [1] . His findings are backed up by many studies on its usefulness and effectiveness, often when used as an alternative for people who have had no success using other methods and treatments.

 Countless case studies demonstrate the efficacy of hypnosis in improving the quality of life. TA few of these cases are outlined below, and I include the references at the bottom of this post.

 Research Findings

In a group hypnotherapy session among 3,000 smokers sponsored by the American Lung Association, 22% reported not smoking for a month afterward. (The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 2000)

 During surgical radiology, hypnosis diminishes patients’ pain and anxiety, shortens surgical time, and reduces complications from the procedure. (Lancet, 2000)

 Self-hypnosis was largely successful in alleviating chronic tension headaches among 169 patients. (International Journal of Clinical Experimental Hypnosis, 2000)

 Hypnosis significantly boosts the activity of B-cells and T-cells, both key components of a healthy immune system. (American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1995)

 In a study of 16 subjects who normally experienced nausea and vomiting before and during chemotherapy, hypnosis alleviated sickness in all of them. (Oncology, 2000)

 The evidence is everywhere. One study concluded that patients who quit smoking with hypnosis are twice as likely to remain smoke-free than those who quit on their own. [2] 


In another, hypnosis was shown to be 3 times as effective as nicotine replacement therapy and 15 times more effective than trying to quit on one’s own. [3] 

 A study of 60 overweight females concluded that hypnosis was 30 times more effective for weight loss. [4]

 Hypnosis Proves a Popular Choice

 These are not isolated cases. People from all walks of life are turning to hypnosis to help them improve various aspects of their lives. Speaking on the Oprah Winfrey show, actor Ben Affleck said: "I finally decided to quit smoking when I found out I was going to have a child. That was the thing that sort of put it over the top for me.” [5]

 Celebrity Ellen DeGeneres famously kicked the smoking habit live on her US chat show, when British hypnotist Paul McKenna hypnotized her and, according to DeGeneres, “probably saved my life.” [6] 

 Pop star Lily Allen confessed in an interview in the Daily Mail newspaper that hypnosis helped her drop 4 dress sizes, adding "after the hypnotism, I want to go to the gym every day, otherwise I feel really bad.” [7]

 The list of people past and present who turned to hypnosis to help them develop positive habits, overcome limitations, or iron out personal problems includes Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Kevin Costner, Orlando Bloom, Mozart, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Jack Nicklaus, Jackie Kennedy, and David Beckham. [8]

 According to the American Cancer Society, hypnosis has been evaluated and approved as an effective relaxation technique by the National Institutes of Health. The NIH also found hypnosis to be “effective in reducing fear and anxiety, reducing the frequency and severity of headaches, and controlling bleeding and pain during dental procedures.” [9]


Powerful Pain Relief Potential

 The applications for hypnosis seem limitless, and nowhere has it proven more effective than in controlling and eliminating pain.

 Hypnotherapy has been shown to reduce pain and speed up recovery from surgery [10], lessen the frequency and intensity of migraines [11], lower post-treatment pain in burn injury victims [12] and contribute to the treatment of phantom limb pain [13].

 Research over the last 40 years clearly indicates that hypnosis is a safe and effective alternative for a vast range of complaints, able to “treat headaches, ease the pain of childbirth, aid in quitting smoking, improve concentration and study habits, relieve minor phobias, and serve as anesthesia -- all without drugs or side effects”. [14] 

 It has also been recognized by medical professionals as an alternative for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), particularly recommended for patients who fail to respond to more traditional pharmacological treatments. [15]

 Exploit the Power of Suggestion

 Hypnosis enables a person to switch off the outside world, relax, and focus attention on a specific area with minimal distraction. Under hypnosis he or she becomes more open to discussion and suggestion, making it possible to “change perceptions or sensations” [16] and influence their thinking and behaviour in a myriad of ways.

 Hypnosis has been shown to stimulate creativity [17], strengthen the immune system [18], enhance sporting performance [19], and aid in the promotion of concentration, study habits, and the acquisition and retention of knowledge. [20]

 Whether you want to improve aspects of your overall health or make changes that will allow you to live a happier and more fulfilling lifestyle, hypnosis provides a reliable and comfortable means of achieving it.

 Review of Hypnosis Live

 Hypnosis Live is a trusted provider of hypnotherapy products that use this powerful technique to help individuals overcome big and small issues. Whether you are struggling to quit smoking, cope with chronic pain, manage stress and anxiety, or improve your performance in a specific area, Hypnosis Live has a product tailored to your needs.

 They have over 200 titles with collections covering Mental Skills; Mindset; Emotion; Fear, Worry and Anxiety; Health; Personal Improvement; Self Growth; and Body Improvement. The Body Improvement Collection includes Virtual Gastric Band.

 Of course, I had to download this one too. It has a slightly different format, with more trance work. I don't need it, but if I were considering getting a Gastric Band operation, I would certainly want to try this before surgery.

 My Experience

I turned to the ‘Be Insanely Productive' session to help me stay focused and productive as I work hard on getting Tartan Vitalis up and running. 


  It promised to help me:

  "Dismiss Distractions and Power Through

 "The 'Be Insanely Productive' hypnosis session will help put your priorities in order to push your productivity levels through the roof!

 "As you listen, the powerful hypnosis and NLP exercises will work to reprogram your mind, helping you eliminate stress and anxiety. You'll relax and find your focus, sort through tasks easily and efficiently, and take decisive actions rather than put things off. You'll discover hidden sources of energy that give you the strength and motivation to see jobs through to their natural completion.

 "Simply download the Be Insanely Productive session, slip on your headphones, and listen to learn how to:

·        Boost your productivity to sky-high levels!

·        Prioritize and focus only on what matters

·        Get results and make things happen

·        Deal with any work load calmly and efficiently."


That sounded exactly like what I needed!

 Digitial Download

The session is available as an MP3 download as soon as payment is made. My session, like the rest, runs for about 40 minutes and at $22.95, is very affordable compared to other products available or live sessions with a hypnotherapist. 

 But, Does It Work?

 Hypnosis Live recommends using their product for 21 days. I am about halfway through my 21 days, and it is already making a difference. I am so focused that I jumped out of bed and was up and working at 5.30 this morning. It's now 8.00 am, and I have already powered through a load of work, including a first draft. of this document!

 I was surprised when I first listened because my previous experience with hypnotherapy products is that they get pretty much straight into trance work. This one has a lot of introductory content before starting the trance work. That felt like a waste of time and was a bit of a disappointment for me.

 However, I now realise that they use a combination of hypnosis and NLP for the most powerful impact. All of their sessions are created and recorded by Julie-Ann Amos, a Master NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist. She specializes in conversational hypnosis, and her approach combines these powerful techniques to make the most powerful possible hypnosis experience.



Having spent a couple of weeks working with her, this approach now feels right and provides a good set-up to the hypnotic state work.

 And yes, it works!

 I listen in bed before going to sleep. At the end of the session, Julie-Ann invites me to go to sleep; that is precisely what I do, and I sleep like a baby.



 Hypnosis is an effective way of achieving lasting change, and has been used for thousands of years to alter one's state of consciousness to make changes in their emotions or behaviours.

Whether you want to improve aspects of your overall health or make changes that will allow you to live a happier and more fulfilling lifestyle, hypnosis provides a reliable and comfortable means of achieving it.

 Self-hypnosis, using products like those offered by Hypnosis Live, is a convenient and cost-effective way to manage difficult life experiences or achieve goals quickly and effectively.

The sessions are reasonably priced, and provide an effective way to practice self hypnosis and I have no hesitation commending Hypnosis Live to you and suggest you jump over and have a look at their products. I am sure there will be something there to help you.

In fact, my friends at Hypnosis Live have authorised me to give you a free gift! If you click this link through to the Hypnosis Live website, you will be able to access a very special gift. Click the link and Karl Moore will tell you all about it.

Spoiler alert, it includes a free hypnosis download!  Giving you a great way to try before you buy. 

That’s got to be worth a look. Right? So what's stopping you? - click through to Hypnosis Live now!

All the best!





Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D. The Truth About Hypnosis., Jan 29, 2013

Wynd, CA. Guided health imagery for smoking cessation and long-term abstinence. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2005; 37:3, pages 245-250.

University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking. October 1992.

Cochrane, Gordon; Friesen, J. (1986). Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492.

(PRWEB) May 31, 2010; Celebrities Turning To Hypnosis To Stop Smoking. Hypnotist Helps Ellen Kick Smoking. Oct 17, 2006.

Mail Online: Lily Allen slims from size 12 to an eight by having her 'brain reprogrammed' Further Information and Scientific Research On Hypnosis

Faymonville ME, Defechereux T, Joris J, Adant JP, Hamoir E, Meurisse M. Hypnosis and its application in surgery. Service d'Anesthesie-Reanimation, Universite de Liege, Rev Med Liege. 1998 Jul;53(7):414-8.

Anderson JA, Basker MA, Dalton R. Migraine and hypnotherapy. International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis 1975; 23(1): 48-58.

Patterson DR, Ptacek JT, Baseline pain as a moderator of hypnotic analgesia for burn injury treatment. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology 1997; 65(1): 60-7.

Oakley DA, Whitman LG, Halligan PW. Treatment of phantom limb pain using hypnotic imagery. Department of Psychology, University College, London, UK.

Barrett, Deirdre. The Power of Hypnosis., Jan 01, 2001. Updated Sept 02, 2010.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Clinical guideline 61.February 2008, Page 15.

Mental Health and Hypnosis,, reviewed by Joseph Goldberg, MD on June 05, 2012

Donald R. Liggett. Enhancing Imagery through Hypnosis: A Performance Aid for Athletes. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis , Vol. 43, Iss. 2, 2000

Theodore Xenophon Barber. The effects of “hypnosis” on learning and recall: A methodological critique. Journal of Clinical Psychology.Volume 21, Issue 1, pages 19–25, January 1965d


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